(Dame Agatha Christie: Author & Playwright)
‘Nemesis’ was the first ever Christie that I read. I was about 11 years old and I had borrowed it from the school library. Now, each of us was allowed to keep the books for a week and every Tuesday afternoon, during the ‘library period’ we were to hand them over. I remember requesting Sister Rose,our library in-charge (I was in a convent school), to please allow me to keep ‘Nemesis’ for another week as I had not fully understand the book and wanted to re-read it. She let me keep it and thus began my long association with Agatha Christie.
As a young girl, I read them mostly for the thrill of the plots and then, as I grew older, I was able to appreciate the intricate infusion of human psychology in all her stories. That, and the very riveting, very elegant style of writing has me enthralled to this day. So much so that even after reading and re-reading all her works, I still cannot resist buying yet another re-printed Christie, in yet another cover!!
(Which is what I did yesterday! I bought ‘Appointment with Death’ in a lovely ‘tea-stained’ matt-finish cover.)
But she has been and shall remain, my favourite novelist of all times.
(Picture courtesy: Wikipedia Commons)
And that is why, she is today, my 'Face of the Week'
(Thank you very much, Sistertex at Spacial Peepol for hosting this beautiful meme.)

I'm letting Blog Mom comment here as I'm not much of a reader - Lola
From Blog Mom (aka Pat): I love Agatha Christie. I started reading her when I was about 12 or 13 and just kept on. The only difference is she was still alive and writing when I was that age. One thing I enjoyed a lot was that her books spanned about half a century and she was always quite contemporary, capturing eras from the twenties up through my own young days. Plus, I learned important differences in English English and American English and would know what things like the boot of car is thanks to Dame Agatha.
What a great face of the week post. I was an avid Agatha Christie fan years ago...maybe I'll g back and re-read them...... P.D. James is a favorite now, she writes the classic British detective novel.
Wow - this is a fantastic 'Face of the Week'! I *love* Agatha Christie novels and so did my daughters. Thank you so much for a nice tribute to her and the photos, wonderful. Thanks so much for being a part of 'Face of the Week' this week!
I do believe I have read one of hers- I am going to have to go to the library now. Nice idea for face of the week.
Good choice. I keep meaning to read more of her books. Love Poirot.
What a lovely tribute to an amazing author. Her characters have been the basis for so many films and television series.
Thanks for the recommended books! I spend two to three weeks every summer at my mom's house and will have to go to the library with her- It's the perfect place to relax and read.
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